Empowering Parents Empowering Communities

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Stockport Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC) is a parenting programme delivered by parents who live in their own community.

The course equips local parents to facilitate parenting courses in their own communities, with continued support from specialist EPEC Supervisors.

They offer a mixture of workshops and courses, virtual and face to face, helping parents to learn practical communication skills for everyday life and bring up confident, happy and co-operative children.

The course is voluntary and is delivered online or face-to-face, 1 day per week over 10 weeks.

We are very lucky at St Matthew's this year to be running and delivering courses straight from our Rainbow Room for parents and carers within the Edgeley Community.

Below is what some of our parents have said about the course delivered at St Matthew's this half term:

'It's good to see other parents/care givers wanting support too. It shows we are not on our own and there is no such thing as a perfect parent. The course is enjoyable and it helps us take time for ourselves and meet new people'.

'The course is fun and interactive. It also makes you think about the way you react to a situation and how best to approach it differently for a better outcome, which really does work too. I'd recommend the course to anyone whether you think you need to do it or not as it opens your mind to other perspectives'.

'I find it very useful and helpful to me and I am learning a lot from it. It would be a shame for it to end'.

'Enjoying the course so far as it's satisfying to know that other parents are experiencing similar problems with their children. Upto now it's very good'.

If you would like more information on how to be part of the next course in April 2024, please contact Mrs McDonald for more information.


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